See what our satified customers have to say...

Thanks for completing our order. The batteries have been replaced with the BCR and all of my MTH Ps1 engines are again working well (the MTH Doodlebug is a pesky system - its 'diesel starter' sounds did not always sound at start-up because of a low-charge battery - now I get all of  the sounds reliably). Next project is to update the Lionel RailSounds boxcar unit. I'm glad that you have developed this MTH fix.  As with all newly-developed items, hopefully, the BCR components and workmanship will stand the test of time and I will no longer worry about my MTH electronic boards needlessly dying or becoming hopelessly locked-up.  We are up-and-running.  And I can pull one of my engines out of storage anytime and not have to dissemble/reassemble it just to get a charged-up battery in it before operations.  Thanks for your development of the BCR.

Nov '05 update:

For the past 20 months, I have used these units on 10 of my MTH engines. Every engine continues to operate perfectly with the BCR. I've acquired some more PS1 engines and I"ve ordered BCR units for them also.

Nov.'07 Update

I added BCR2 units to my newer engines in May'06; those, and my older BCR-supplied engines as well, are still performing flawlessly.  I am so glad that I replaced all those batteries.  Your components have certainly stood the test of time, and they have kept my train operations hassle-free.

C.A. Buster

I received my BCR last week and had to give it a workout before I let you know that it does work GREAT. I used it two days in a row and ran the engine for quite a while after doing the reset options and then setting the MTH engine so the chuff volume was much more quiet. I even let the engine sit for 4 days without using it and then went back in and let it charge up for about a minute and it worked perfectly. Thanks again for a great product. I will definitely recommend it to all my friends who run trains. It's up to them to take the next step and buy one.  

Larry Flis

I just finished installing all five BCR's and every engine runs fine.  You might be interested in the voltages of the NiCads I replaced.  The best one was 6.92 V,next 6.74 V, then 3.62 V, then a scary one-.43V and lastly the one that really shook me up -.2V - reverse polarity.  That was in the Challenger and would have fried the electronics if I had put power to the engine.  These last two batteries were replacements I bought from QSI and had charged in the engines for the prescribed 14 to 16 hours.  They had also been run as recently as the other engines.

I just feel so much better about those engines now, knowing that I can take any one of them down any time, put it on the track, power it for one minute and then run it with no fear of battery damage.  I am going to compose a letter to Tony English thanking him for writing that article and telling him of my experience.  I really think anybody is better off using the BCR no matter how often he uses his engines.

Phil Collins

I just received my BCR and got it installed in my RailKing Santa Fe word:


It runs like brand new now!

The engine had become quite crabby and stubborn about running...I blamed it on dirty track and/or pickup rollers. I had considered the battery might be weak, but didn’t know for sure. Now I know! I’ve got another MTH PS2 engine that’s spent 95% of its life in the box. I plan to get out soon...and I expect that the battery will be kaput in it as well. I’ll be ordering another BCR for it shortly! The BCR is FANTASTIC and I love that I’ll never have to replace it or worry about it damaging the engine’s electronics.

Thanks again for such a wonderful such an affordable price, considering what it is and does.

Brian Johns

I have equiped all of my MTH QSI engines with the BCR and they operate just great as they should. It is such a relief not to have to be concerned about having to fool around with a battey and if the MTH battery is used, worry about damaging the electronics. I would believe that most of us do not operate our trains all the time and that there are periods of time when the trains sit idle and the batteries discharge. This would probably be the "real world" situation. I give you credit for coming up with a viable replacement part that does not require replacement or concern about daming the electronics.

Harold Maury

I ordered 10 BCR' s for my locomotives with Proto Sound 1 system. They work GREAT! One even brought my cranky MTH Reading GP-30 back to life.

Rev. Philip Smith

I have recently purchased and installed 6 of your BCR’s in 6 of my MTH Proto 1 engines.  I am very pleased with their performance and the even more pleased knowing I do not have to worry about these units going dead and/or leaking.  So, on behalf of all of us train enthusiasts, I thank you!!        

Carl Maar